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Yanzi neri et hu suspension pendant light artemide 1103010a design signed Pendant ligh, Alphabet of light linear,blanc, LED, L120cm, H10cm - Artemide. Replica Artemide Yanzi 3 Bird Linear LED Pendant Light is not an original piece and NOT made or manufactured by, affiliated or associated with, the original Results 1 - 20 of 180 Artemide Yanzi suspension 1 Black / Brass € 1174.51. In stock Artemide Alphabet of Light Linear 240 App Compatible White € 939.61. Sono iconiche rondini dal corpo in ottone spazzolato, con il capo come una sfera in vetro bianco che racchiude la luce, libere o racchiuse in gabbie di vetro. Una LED direct light brass pendant lamp YANZI | Pendant lamp. Artemide LED technopolymer pendant lamp CALIPSO LINEAR STAND ALONE | Pendant lamp. This page is about Artemide Yanzi Table,contains Светильник настольный Artemide Yanzi Table YANZI Suspension Inspiration, materials and technologies .
Save on the Artemide USC-1104018A from Low Prices + Fast & Free Shipping on Most Orders. Find reviews, expert advice, manuals, specs & more. Yanzi är en taklampa formgiven av designduon Neri & Hu för italienska Artemide. Dess nyskapande form för tankarna till en fågel sittandes i en bur.
Products – Tagged "Juni 10" LoftModern
890,00 €. CALIPSO-LINEAR-120 1 150,00 € . PIRCE-LED-SUSPENSION 1 300,00 €. YANZI-C1-SUSPENSION Suspension YANZI d'Artemide, 3 modèles1 102,50 € 1 225,00 € -10% Suspension CALIPSO LINEAR STAND ALONE d'Artemide, 2 tailles819,00 € 910, 00 Browse our collection of Pendant Lights.
Products – Tagged "Juni 10" LoftModern
Yanzi är en taklampa formgiven av designduon Neri & Hu för italienska Artemide. Dess nyskapande form för tankarna till en fågel sittandes i en bur. Neri & Hu är kända för sitt unika sätt att arbeta med dynamiken mellan upplevelse, detaljer, material och form snarare än att anpassa till sig formgivandets olika stereotyper. Yanzi 1 Artemide Suspension Yanzi 1 designed by Neri&Hu for Artemide is a suspension lamp with structure made of a varnished metal.
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In a blend of tradition and innovation, Yanzi is a lightweight composition of graphic signs. Balanced structures, such as branches or perches, support multiple stylized figures to provide a variety of versions and qualities of light.
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Made of a combination of brass, glass and steel, this is a durable, lightweight and sturdy lamp. Yanzi Suspension 1 Artemide Sospensione. Yanzi Suspension 1. DESIGN BY Neri&Hu. L’attività di Neri&Hu è fondata su una costante ricerca e sul desiderio di lavorare sull’interazione dinamica di esperienza, dettaglio, materiale, forma e luce, anziché adattarsi a formule stereotipate. Yanzi e' un sistema aperto perfetto per costruire leggere composizioni e paesaggi di luce che animano gli spazi con poesia ed eleganza. Yanzi Suspension Led e' una lampada con corpo e fascio di luce fissi.