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Carassius carassius. Carassius gibelio. Cepola macrophthalma. Cetorhinus maximus. Cheilinus undulatus. Argyrosomus regius. Aspius aspius.
@AmerikaOvozi. •. 152K views 1 year ago По данным донной траловой съёмки, в юго-западной части Карского моря 97 % ихтиомассы приходится на сайку Boreogadus saida, а её запасы 12 Feb 2009 Arctic Cod: Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774). A pelagic cod adapted to close association with ice (cryopelagic) 16. Jan. 2013 Boreogadus saida wird umgangssprachlich oft als Polardorsch bezeichnet. Haltung im Aquarium: Nicht für Heimaquarien geeignet.
Sveriges Konsumenter i Samverkan
Specifikation: Skinn o Gadus macrocephalus , med undantag av lever, rom och mjölke; Filéer av torsk Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac samt av fisk av arten BoreoGadus saida, torkade, ex 0302 70 00 * 20 Torsklever (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) och lever av fisk av arten Boreogadus saida, kyld eller fryst, avsedd för Latin: Boreogadus saida. Engelsk översättning polar cod. Fransk översättning cabilllaud.
SAIDA ▷ Engelsk Översättning - Exempel På Användning
Brama brama.
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Klassisk nationalekonomi teori
Fisk av arten Boreogadus saida.
Epub 2020 Jan 6. …
The abundant Arctic cod Boreogadus saida survives in ice-covered, sub-zero waters because of the presence of anti-freeze glycoproteins, specialized kidney function (Osuga and Feeney, 1978; Christiansen et al., 1996) and the ability to digest food at −1.4°Cwatertemperatures(Hopetal.,1997).TheyareakeyArctic
Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) associated with drifting sea-ice were collected in the western Barents sea and north of Svalbard with dip-nets while SCUBA-diving in 1986 and 1987. Under-ice distribution of polar cod Boreogadus saida in the central Arctic Ocean and their association with sea-ice habitat properties.
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Fish of the cod family Gadidae, related to the true cod . Shipping alters the movement and behavior of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a keystone fish in Arctic marine ecosystems Ecol Appl. 2020 Apr;30(3):e02050. doi: 10.1002/eap.2050. Epub 2020 Jan 6. … 2011-09-15 The abundant Arctic cod Boreogadus saida survives in ice-covered, sub-zero waters because of the presence of anti-freeze glycoproteins, specialized kidney function (Osuga and Feeney, 1978; Christiansen et al., 1996) and the ability to digest food at −1.4°Cwatertemperatures(Hopetal.,1997).TheyareakeyArctic Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) associated with drifting sea-ice were collected in the western Barents sea and north of Svalbard with dip-nets while SCUBA-diving in 1986 and 1987. Under-ice distribution of polar cod Boreogadus saida in the central Arctic Ocean and their association with sea-ice habitat properties.