Oral health-related quality of life in an adult population


Poster - Uppsala universitet

hyposalivation; gingivitis (hyposalivation) som kan påverka livskvaliteten. Hyposaliva- elderly people compared to children and young adults, there. Prosthodontics for the elderly patient Einar Berg, professor emeritus, dr. Still, in this age group they often relapse, due to factors like hyposalivation, reduced  The Academic Center for Geriatric Dentistry (ACT) shall through basic science, health, and improve the oral health of elderly individuals in the Stockholm County.

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First, it is now well established that the use of numerous medications is the  Key words: dry mouth; xerostomia; hyposalivation; sialometry; xerostomia/oral com- 4% in older adults and is more common in postmenopausal women [36]. 17 Apr 2018 Management of Xerostomia and hyposalivation in complete denture patients. Indian. J Stomatol 2011; 2:263-66.

Tandlægebladet 2 - 2017 by Tandlaegebladet - issuu

There are many reasons why hyposalivation may occur and it may be short lived (acute) or persist for long periods of time (chronic). The problem arises when the salivary glands do not produce or secrete sufficient saliva. The relationship between xerostomia and hyposalivation was evaluated in patients over 60-years old treated at the School of Dentistry at the University of Concepción, Chile. Patients younger than 60-years old, or people who suffer diseases that do not allow proper examination by the examiner such as psychiatric disorders and bedridden patients, were excluded from the study.

Hyposalivation in elderly patients

Salivsekretion och användning av mediciner hos äldre

Hyposalivation in elderly patients

Saliva is a key element in oral homeostasis, oral function and maintenance of oral health. Dry mouth has multiple oral … The most frequent cause of hyposalivation in elderly patients is Sjögren’s syndrome. salivary gland atrophy. Alzheimer’s disease. multiple medications.

Hyposalivation in elderly patients

Consequently, the progressive hyposalivation condition in hospitalized patients could be better understood. Dawes5 (1975) carried out a … Hyposalivation means that there is insufficient saliva or low saliva production. There are many reasons why hyposalivation may occur and it may be short lived (acute) or persist for long periods of time (chronic). The problem arises when the salivary glands do not produce or secrete sufficient saliva.
Digital vårdcentral stockholm

Estimates of the prevalence of persistent dry mouth vary between 10 and 50%. History The passive drool test (PDT) is the primary method used to evaluate patients for hyposalivation but it is time-consuming and inconvenient. New methodology is needed to facilitate increased testing for hyposalivation in the dental clinic. The aim of this study was to evaluate an alternative method to measure salivary flow in dental offices.

Examensarbete 15 hp. av TO Närhi — upplever subjektiv muntorrhet (xerostomi) i samband med hyposalivation kan diagnosen with aging and many elderly patients belong to the risk groups as  av JH Meurman · 2013 · Citerat av 6 — diagnostiska gränsvärden för hyposalivation är för salivproduktion stimulerad genom Oral symptoms and signs in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. stimulerad saliv föreligger så kallad hyposalivation. Detta är den dental caries in patients following radiation therapy.
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- "Hyposalivation in elderly patients." Abstract Medication-induced xerostomia and hyposalivation will increasingly become oral health issues for older and geriatric patients because of the likely high prevalence of medication intake and polypharmacy, with a complex negative impact on other symptoms such as dysphagia, caries incidence, malnutrition, and quality of life. CONCLUSION: This disc test was conceived to detect mild hyposalivation in geriatric patients with impaired dental health.