McIntosh, Alistair - LIBRIS - sökning
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34-37. ISBN 0-86431-367-5 (2000) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] McIntosh, AJ and Dole, SL, Re-establishing the Role of Mental Computation, Mathematics for Living, 18-23 Nov, Amman, Jordan, pp. 1-11. McIntosh, Alistair (författare) Alle teller : håndbok for lærere som underviser i matematikk i grunnskolen : kartleggingstester og veiledning om misoppfatninger og misforståelser på området tall og tallforståelse / av Alistair McIntosh ; oversatt til norsk og omarbeidet av May Renate Settemsdal og Ingvill Merete Stedøy-Johansen Mental Computation Competence Across Years 3 to 10. Rosemary Callingham & Alistair McIntosh. Exploring Mental Computation in the Middle Years.
(General). Alistair McIntosh. 11.00 – 11.30. Alistair McIntosh Mental Computation. This is to well for all students and easily showed the mental Maths, teaching mental strategies and tables challenge.
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McIntosh, Alistair (författare); Förstå och använda tal : en av L Lomod Blaya · 2015 — Mental computation or algorithm – A literature review of which McIntosh,. Alistair.
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Supporting this assertion, Alistair McIntosh developed a strategy based program., Alistair McIntosh, mathematics. 2 Alistair McIntosh Professor emeritus, University of Tasmania Australien Nya perspektiv (2006) Mental computation of school-aged students: Assessment,
står om olika uttrycksformer med Alastair McIntoshs förslag i texten ”Tanketavlan”. Mental Computation: A Strategies Approach (McIntosh & Dole, 2004). av S Björklund · 2016 — Algorithms and written mental arithmetic in the classroom Alistair McIntosh (2007) hävdar att “traditionellt har formella skriftliga algoritmer tvåårigt projekt, Developing Computation i Tasmanien, där målsättningen var att. Hultberg, Cecilia K. Hultén, Mårten Nehrfors, Humphreys, Alastair, Humphries, Patrick. Hunt Dominic, McIntosh, Solveig, McIntyre, Sir Donald, McIsaac, Julie, McIver, Joel. Evolutionary computation.
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Alistair. 2004 Tasmanien,. Australien. ERIC.
Abstract. aimed at assessing and improving the mental computation ability of Australian students.
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Taluppfattning - NCM
Mental computation in school mathematics: Preference, attitude and performance of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 Alistair McIntosh Jack Bana Brian Farrell Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
24th Annual MERGA Conference, Sydney, July 2001 137 A Developmental Scale of Mental Computation Rosemary Callingham Alistair McIntosh University of Tasmania University of Tasmania